


Keep up to date with the latest news from Western Autistic School.

Calendar and events

Notable dates and events for parents.

Please watch this space for parent information sessions, guest speakers for our school community for 2024.


Term 1, 2024 concludes: 28th March

Term 2, 2024 starts: 15th April

Term 2, 2024 concludes: 28th June

Term 3, 2024 starts: 15th July

Term 3, 2024 concludes: 20th September

Term 4, 2024 starts: 7th October

Term 4, 2024 concludes: 20th December


For reasons of privacy, the parent newsletters are no longer available to view online.

Emails to the school community are issued weekly and ad hoc. Newsletters are sent to parents emails fortnightly.

If you would like to request a paper copy of the newsletter please use one of the below methods;

- students communication book

- in person at reception

- via the contact page on this website.

Classrooms in Action

The school offers the successful ‘Classrooms in Action’ mornings for parents and carers of our students.

These events provide an opportunity for parents to understand in more depth what and how we teach, as well as having the opportunity to visit and see the classrooms in action and also receive clarification around the Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy service provided at WAS. The dates of the Classroom in Action events will be posted here in the future.